What is the Foundation of Your Brand?

Marketing Messaging, AKA the Foundation of Your Brand

Marketing messaging, also known as brand messaging, is the foundation of your brand and informs your all your marketing decisions and efforts.

Ideally, it comes BEFORE anything else gets created: Before your logo. Before your business cards. Before your website. Before creating promotional campaigns. Before you spend a dime or waste a minute on marketing that doesn’t deliver.

Let’s face it, the only reason any of us invest in marketing is to achieve our overall business goals.

That means the objective of marketing is to get the client/customer to take action: call you, download something, reply, rsvp, email, register, or purchase, etc. – ALL the things that keep you in business.

Why Does Marketing Messaging Matter to Me? Remember:

Consumers buy what has value to them. Ensure your marketing messaging speaks to your ideal clients.

Your potential customer may be shopping for a new coffee-to-go cup or a massage therapist. It really doesn’t matter because what they’re truly shopping for is a solution.

Your job? Let them know how you are that solution. How? Your messaging!

Your customer leads need to know HOW you are going to solve their problem—which is all they care about at the end of the day. Subconsciously, they’re asking, “What’s in it for me?”

You can be the best at what you do, but if your potential clients don’t know exactly …

  • what you offer
  • why you’re unique
  • how you’ll provide the solution to their problem …

… By default, they’re likely to spend their money with someone else.

You want to make sure that everything you do marketing-wise answers their ‘what’s in it for me?’ question.

Are you ready to …

  • hone your messaging and start talking to your ideal customers?
  • spruce up your visual brand?
  • create on-target marketing content and materials that compels your audience to take action?

Schedule a free consult and let’s talk about how we can help you improve your results.


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